This summer I went to Houston,Texas and went to my Aunt Whitney’s baby shower for her new baby girl.  We had so much FUN, she got so much stuff like bottles, diapers, clothes, booties, car seat, bows, and etc.  Her baby was due September9, 2011 but she was born September13, 2011.  We were so excited about Harper’s arrival.  When she was born we went up to Houston and got to see the precious miracle!!! This was her first baby so I was so excited about my new cousin!  For the baby shower we went to my Aunt Whitney’s best friends house.  We played three really fun games, my favorite game was the guessing game we guessed how many M&M’s were in the jar.  Then we went home and sorted all of the gifts so my dad and Uncle Jason could see everything!  Then later on in the week I had to go home I was so sad I really wanted to stay there until the baby was born.  Harper is so sweet she has a little bitty cry its not loud at all.  She has been a miracle to all of our family!! My Aunt Whitney and Uncle Jason are so blessed with their new baby girl.

That is my Most Memorable Moment of my awesome summer!!  🙂