“Cayman…This was at 2:00 in the morning on Christmas day, Lets go see what we got from Santa.”  “No not yet I want it to be a surprise.” Then I finally got up I walked in and saw my brand new phone sitting right there, I started jumping up and down this was what I wanted the most for CHRISTmas, but nothing is better than the birth of Jesus Christ.
  I was so excited…I went straight back to bed waiting till it was 6:30.  Cayman and I could not go to sleep we only got 2 hours of sleep the whole night, about 5 minuets later we went back in the living room. We started looking we were like “Everyone is going to love what they got!” Finally it was 6:00, we went in the parents room to wake them up, they tiredly said “Only 30 more minuets.” We went to go wake up all my brothers, then it was 6:30 we went to wake them up, but they were already up. We said “HURRY!” They went in there I finally got to look at my new phone. The rest of the day I was on that thing my other favorite present I got was my UGGS.
This is probably the best CHRISTmas I have ever had.  Later I got to go spend time with all my family, other things I got were curling wand, Miss Me jeans, TOMS, North Face jacket, my initials to go on my wall, Bath & Body Works stuff, Ipod case, makeup, and a lot more!!
  I had the best Christmas ever my memorable moment was getting my brand new phone.  I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!! Remember:That the reason for CHRISTmas is the birth of Jesus Christ!!